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reduce the risk of cancer

Drinking Water Reduces The Risk of Cancer

Drinking water at home or work can help to prevent and reduce the risk of getting cancer. Keeping your family and staff healthy and fit can be achieved by encouraging them to drink plenty of water. The use of a water cooler at home or in the work place can help to remind people to stop and have a drink throughout the day.

We all know that drinking adequate mounts of water is essential to the human body’s survival, but did you know that drinking water can also help to decrease the risk of us getting certain types of cancer?

Drinking lots of water helps to reduce the risk of colon cancer, bladder cancer and even breast cancer. Water flushes out wastes from our bodies and clears away harmful bacteria that can cause diseases like cancer. Drinking plenty of water has a major role to play in our digestive system by diluting the toxic compounds that are present in the bowel.

Water then speeds up the passing of stools shortening the contact of carcinogens with the bowel lining hence reducing the risks of developing bowel cancer. It is also thought that being hydrated can prevent and reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Studies suggest that keeping the cells in our bodies hydrated will help them to function correctly, dehydrated Cells have their internal functions impaired which can prevent them from being able to remove harmful substances which may become the cause of cancer. Drinking our daily recommended water intake and keeping our bodies and cells hydrated can help us in the fight against harmful cancer causing substances.

Encouraging our children to drink plenty of water at an early age is a great way to help them learn good life skills that will keep them healthy. Encouraging children to drink plenty of water is sometime easier said than done however the use of an automatic water cooler at home can be fun to use and can encourage children to drink more. This in turn can build good habits for later life keeping them fit, healthy and cancer free.

Table top water machines fit nicely in most modern kitchens, providing pure, clear, refreshing, chilled water at the touch of a button.  Free standing water cooler can be used for the office or work place giving staff a focal point in which they can discuss the day’s events over a cup of refreshing water.